Anjo da Guarda
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Anjo da Guarda (2010)


Porter Jackson é um anjo em treinamento enviado à Terra, para ganhar suas asas. Sua missão é transformar o desastrado e azarado estudante Carl, no aluno mais popular da escola. A missão não é nada fácil, porque as mágicas do anjo vão causar confusões com os valentões, cheerleaders, professores e até mesmo com a família de Carl.

Dylan Everett

Dylan Everett

Carl Montclaire
Jennifer Robertson

Jennifer Robertson

Angela Montclaire
Brittany Adams

Brittany Adams

Jane Casey
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Anjo da Guarda11

1 - Basket Case

Equipped with the seemingly impossible AIT assignment of making Carl Montclaire the most popular kid at Bennett High School, Porter Jackson poses as Carls long lost cousin from Vancouver to everybody but Carl, to whom he explains his situation. Carl tries to tell his friends that Porter is an angel, but instead manages to convince them that hes Japanese. Carl is further riled when Porter signs him up for a basketball shootout against sport supremo Serge. Serge takes a 20-0 lead but Porters magic allows Carl to level the game. Dr Cassabi arrives in time to lift the enchantment, but Carl sinks the final shot anyway.

Anjo da Guarda113

13 - Drama-Rama!

Carl wants to try out for Janes play to land a kiss with Brittany, but Porter ends up getting the part, leading to drama on and off stage.